Thursday, September 6, 2012

[AIESEC] First AIESEC Conference

After a long hiatus, I am back blogging again. Well, there is this National Recruitment Blog Campaign organised by AIESEC Malaysia and the theme is 'My First...'. It got me thinking what are the firsts that I have done throughout the 3 years that I have been in AIESEC and one that really stood out in my AIESEC journey is my first AIESEC conference. In the AIESEC network, there are 470 conferences held annually and the thing about conferences is that it is the place where a person can find the inspiration to do well in AIESEC and in life. I was inspired by people in conferences and I managed to inspire people as well.

Despite being in AIESEC for 3 years, I have attended only 4 conferences and all these conferences took place in the same term, 2011-2012. These conferences included my first national conference, Malaysia Leadership Development Seminar (MyLDS) though it was only for a day, my first conference organised by my local committee, Taylor's University, which is Local Leadership Development Seminar (LLDS) and the LEAD Conference 2012 which was held on the last day of the term. 

Regional Leadership Development Seminar 2011 at The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus

However, there is only 1 conference that has remains close to my heart and that conference was the first ever conference that I have ever attended. That conference is the Regional Leadership Development Seminar (RLDS) which was held from 28-30 October at the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC) in Semenyih, Selangor. It holds a lot of memories and it was one of the many highlights of a very successful term in AIESEC.

RLDS 2011

RLDS was co-organised between three local committees (LC) in the central region which are UNMC, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). Delegates were not just from these 3 LCs but other LCs as well which includes Taylor's University (TU) (there were 14 of us), Universiti Malaya (UM), Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) and even a delegate from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). There were approximately 200 over delegates and 13 facilitators in this inaugural conference chaired by Jing Wen, the former former Local Committee President of UKM. 

LC TU Jumpshot
On the first day, was the opening plenary where the chair, the facilitators and the organising committee of the conference were introduce to the delegates present as well as a presentation of what the conference is about. After that, it was the ice breaking session where delegates got to know each other better. Moving on, the delegates were split into two tracks, junior track and senior track. In the senior track, we learn about first impressions and leadership style. Below is a picture of what impression that people had of me. We also formed teams for activities that will held throughout the conference and went on to be one of the 2 senior teams that won the night activity.

People's first impression of me.
During the evening plenary, we had another square dance session and a personal first for me which was leading the plenary square dance. If leading at least 20 people in my LC to a square dance is normal, imagine leading 200 delegates square dancing. It was unbelievable and it still give me the goosebumps every time I think about it. From there on, I led the square dance throughout the conference and it just got everyone dancing as well. This lead me to learn more than 20 different type of square dances and that number is rising. That's a rap for day 1.

Square Dancing to Green Light.
Another Square Dance, Double Vision.

On day 2, we learn about ineffective LC operations and how to improve on it, types of motivation and grooming the perfect leader. After lunch, the seniors were split into two more tracks, the senior members track and the Executive Board track. In the senior member track, we were sharing our AIESEC experience within ourselves and what are our future plans in AIESEC.

During the senior member track.
 The most interesting part of the day was the LC Simulation, where delegates experience and understand  how a LC functions. Each of the presidents were in charge of a country and I was the Local Committee President of China for that few hours. It was chaotic yet exciting as I had to guide and educate my team on what each department does and how does it function. At the same time, I learn more things about the LC and about myself.

LC Simulation with my team
Day 2 ended with a different sharing sessions. I attended the session which was conducted by &samhoud.

End of Day 2

On the final day of the conference, both juniors and seniors combined together for the I & The World session where we discuss about global issues happening around the world. I went to 2 sessions which were Achieve Universal Education and HIV/AIDS. From these sessions, we discuss about the topics that we were given and had to write it on a mahjong paper in which we had to present it in the plenary hall.

Presentation time.
 The last session of the day was back to separate tracks. In the senior track, the Member Committee of AIESEC Malaysia conducted a session on AIESEC 2015 and how we can create an impact to youths via the programmes available in AIESEC.
 At the end of the conference, we write each other sugar cubes, which are messages that motivates each other. Most of my sugar cubes were mainly about how I inspire some of the delegate through dance and I feel touch that I could inspire people just by dancing. We also had a sharing session where delegates were given a chance to go on stage to share their experience. I went on stage and did that which is something I am proud of and was actually overwhelmed by the overall experience at RLDS.

Sharing during the closing plenary.
Took a group photo at the end of the conference and exchange contacts with other delegates. I kept in touch with most if not all of the delegates as I met them at other AIESEC events and conferences.

Group photo at the end of RLDS.
"Today is where your begins"
And that was my first AIESEC conference. This is just one of the many experiences that I have gain in AIESEC.

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